Dentist near Ocala, FL forTooth Extraction

At Villages Dental House dentist office

About Tooth Extraction in Ocala, FL

Tooth extraction is a procedure to remove a tooth from its socket in the jaw. It's done by dentists or oral surgeons for various reasons like severe decay, infection, crowding, or prep for braces.

There are two main extraction types: simple and surgical. Simple extractions involve visible teeth and are quicker. Surgical extractions involve impacted teeth (stuck under the gum) and require more effort, sometimes needing gum or bone tissue removal.

During the procedure, you'll get local anesthesia to numb the area. The dentist loosens the tooth and removes it with forceps. Stitches might be used to close the gum tissue. Recovery typically involves pain management, swelling reduction, and avoiding certain foods.

More Than 10 +
Year of experience in
Tooth Extraction in Ocala
Villages Dental House phone number
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(352) 600-1834
Villages Dental House Opening Hours
08:00 - 05:00
Villages Dental House Opening Hours
08:00 - 05:00
Villages Dental House Opening Hours
08:00 - 05:00
Villages Dental House Opening Hours
08:00 - 05:00
Villages Dental House Opening Hours
08:00 - 05:00
Villages Dental House Opening Hours
08:00 - 02:00

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What Does Tooth Extraction in Ocala Include?

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Tooth Extraction benefits at Villages Dental House

The Benefits Of Tooth Extraction in Ocala, FL

  1. Pain Relief: A tooth extraction can quickly избавиться от боли (izbavitsya ot boli) or get rid of the pain from a severely damaged or infected tooth.
  2. Infection Control: Removing an infected tooth stops the infection from spreading to surrounding teeth and tissues.
  3. Improved Oral Health: By eliminating a source of infection, tooth extraction can improve your overall oral health.
  4. Making Room for Orthodontics:Sometimes, tooth extraction is required to create space for orthodontic treatment.
  5. Preserving Other Teeth:  Extracting a problematic tooth can prevent future problems with surrounding teeth.

When do you need Tooth Extraction at Villages Dental House

when you should have Tooth Extraction in Ocala, FL?

  • Severe tooth decay or cavities that can't be filled
  • Infected tooth that doesn't respond to antibiotics
  • Badly fractured or broken tooth
  • Impacted tooth that's stuck below the gum line
  • Severe gum disease (periodontitis) that loosens teeth
  • Overcrowded teeth to make room for braces
  • Wisdom teeth causing problems
  • Dental trauma causing excessive mobility
Why Village Dental House for your dental care

Why Village Dental House for Tooth Extraction in Ocala, FL?

In need of a gentle and experienced touch for your tooth extraction? Villages Dental House prioritizes patient comfort and informed decisions. Our team utilizes the latest technology alongside a focus on preventative care, ensuring a smooth and stress-free procedure tailored to your specific needs.

  1. Experienced dentists with expertise in tooth extractions.
  2. Modern technology for comfortable and safe procedures.
  3. Positive patient reviews and high success rates.
  4. Flexible scheduling and emergency availability.
  5. Clear communication and explanation of treatment options.

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